Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven - 1600 Words
Ludwig van Beethoven is known for much of his musical accomplishments. One of his most famous is that he is deaf and yet one of the best musical composers of the classical and romanic area. Beethoven has always been one of my personal favorite composers. When I grew up and started taking piano, Beethoven s Fur Elise was my first large classical piece. Ever since that point on I insisted that when we were in Germany we see his home, and that we did. In this essay I will be explaining Ludwigs Youth, Growing Reputation, and master Composer Times. Ludwig van Beethoven was born December 17, 1770. He had seven siblings but only three survived and Ludwig was the oldest of them. His two brothers were, Caspar born in 1774 and Johann born in 1776. Beethoven’s mother, Maria Magdalena van Beethoven, was a slender, gentile, and deeply moralistic woman. His father, Johann van Beethoven, was a mediocre court singer better known for his alcoholism than any musical ability. Beethoven began playing music at a young age sometime between the birth of his two brothers. Ludwig was taught piano by his father in an abusive manner. His father would beat him every time he played a wrong not or even locked him in the cellar not letting him sleep. His father was an abusive alcoholic that in sited that Beethoven would be the next Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart, which he would achieve in his later years of life. In my opinion his father was the one who created him and made him a famous as he is today. AfterShow MoreRelatedThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beeth oven900 Words  | 4 PagesLudwig van Beethoven All throughout music history lived many composers that have impacted not only the societies in which they have lived in, but modern-day society as well. These particular composers have given many societies the chance to listen, feel and express themselves through music and instruments that were invented centuries ago that still remain essential components of music today. One example of a composer that changed the music world drastically was a man by the name of Ludwig van BeethovenRead MoreThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven1408 Words  | 6 PagesLudwig van Beethoven When I was 7 years old, my parents signed me up for music school. I did not want to go to music school, but they wanted me just to try. In first class we were just listening classical music and it really sounded boring. But when Beethoven’s fifth symphony came on, I fell in love with classical music and I wanted to study it even more. My sister was also in musical school and she played piano and when I came back from school, I was begging her to play me some of Beethoven’s piecesRead MoreMusic: Ludwig Van Beethoven1670 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Music is might not be the universal language but it plays an important role in human culture as well as the society. Music is not only provide entertainment but it is also a tool for a composer and listeners to release emotion. The best well-known for his inspiring power and expressiveness music is Ludwig van Beethoven. He was a musical genius whose composed some of the most influential pieces of music ever written. During t he Classical period, Beethoven’s compositions were the expression as oneRead MoreThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven1701 Words  | 7 Pages2014 Music 173 Research Paper Ludwig van Beethoven Music has been around a long time and is a big part of America’s history. There are many styles of music such as, Rap, RB, Jazz, Classical, Oldies and so on. There has been many great composers throughout the years, these people are legends that will stand for ever such as, Beethoven, George Frideric Handel, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The one artist that I’m going to write about in this paper is the one and only Ludwig vanRead MoreThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven1739 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout the course of history there has never been a more influential, creative and versatile composer as Ludwig Van Beethoven. If not for his ability to expand the way in which music is created, played and heard, current music would lack the polyphonic sound that is needed in order to create texture and depth. Beethoven is believed to be purely a classical composer. However, to the contrary he can also be considered purely romantic. His compositions consisted of a form that was never heard beforeRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven : An Impact On Music733 Words  | 3 PagesLudwig Van Beethoven No other composer or musical artist has made as big of an impact on music as Ludwig Van Beethoven. He influenced many other composers, and made some of the most beautiful pieces that are still played today. It is truly amazing that he was able to master his craft and become questionably the greatest composer that has ever lived, despite having a condition that would seem to make composing music impossible. Beethoven, being born so long ago, does not have an exact recordedRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven And Western Music1262 Words  | 6 Pages Beethoven is perhaps the most famous musician of all time. Ever since his death in 1827, he has been a principal figure in the history of Western Music. His influence later on was so enormous to other composers, that it actually intimidated them. Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770, to a family of musicians at the royal court of Cologne. His name descended from his grandfather, who settled in Bonn in 1732. Both his father and grandfather were professional musicians who performed at the courtRead MoreMusic Composer Beethoven. Ludwig Van Beethoven Was One980 Words  | 4 PagesMusic Composer Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the most famous German composers who played a huge role in pioneering the transition of music from the classical era to the Romantic era. His work in concerto, symphony, sonata, and quartet is considered instrumental in expanding both the scope and reach of music. He also came up with a new way of combining vocals and instruments. Beethoven struggled with auditory decline for most of his life, and was nearly deaf toward the end. InterestinglyRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven, The Man Who Changed Music1003 Words  | 5 PagesBailey Selwitschka’s NEWSLETTER December 4, 2015 Ludwig Van Beethoven, The man who changed music Biography Ever since childhood, Beethoven has loved music. He claims that his father used to teach him, at a young age, every day and night upon returning home. Beethoven reigns from a house of seven children, though sadly, only three boys survived, of whom Beethoven was the eldest. Beethoven’s father was a renowned musician atRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven And His Influence On Classical Music1402 Words  | 6 PagesLudwig van Beethoven is a revered figure in the history of classical music in today’s world. Born in Bonn, Germany, he underwent strict guidance from his father who aspired to mold him into the next generation â€Å"Mozart.†Sailing through the tides of social, political and cultural revolution, Beethoven became a renowned composer and rose in ranks in the history of classical music. Although succumbed to deafness in his later years, Beethoven had left behind a phenomenon legacy which took the stage
Monday, December 16, 2019
Scholar-Practitioner Model Paper Free Essays
Scholar – A scholar is a person who is engaged in the art of learning any branch of information to attain literary or scientific knowledge. He is the man of books and is also known as a student who learns from his teacher (Hydroponicsearch. com, 2009). We will write a custom essay sample on Scholar-Practitioner Model Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Practitioner – He is a, artful person who is engaged in his profession and actually uses his knowledge achieved by exercising his art either habitually or customarily practicing the same (dictionary. net, 2009). A Scholar-Practitioner is a person who juggles between researching additional knowledge and practicing and experiencing the theory there-off. He continuously updates his learning and contributes to further designing instructions and making decisions (IPFW. edu, 2009). Practitioner-Scholar: In such a situation, a person indulges in a practice based approach which is associated with scholarly inquiry of knowledge. Thus it is an associated relationship between theory and practice. It primarily focuses on clinical practice where by a consumer who researches as a scholar and is also known to be a professional trainer and a practitioner who uses the science of knowledge while dealing with clients (liunet. edi, 2009). A scholar-Practitioner model describes me the best right now – As I am related to the profession of teaching, a constant flair for reading and applying the learnt knowledge in the field of teaching. This ultimately shows the connection and the relationship between scholarship activities and practice activities. Thus advancements of educational systems and educational practice can be enhanced by this model. As a learner this model helps in the learning and investigating practical issues while for a professional it serves in providing a framework of research, teaching and servicing these activities (dwb, 2009). In scholar-practitioner model, while differentiating between master’s degree and doctoral degree, it is made clear that the very fact of being a student and learning without provision of financial aid will indicate the pursuance of master’s degree. While in the doctoral learning, it is the practice of the learned art which is mostly associated with provision of a scholarship or financial aid (dwb, 2009 Kuther, T. 2009). References Dwb. (2009). What is the Scholar-Practitioner Model? Retrieved March 28, 2009, from http://dwb4.unl.edu/iTech/SPModel.html dictionary.net. (2009). Practitioner. Retrieved March 28, 2009, from http://www.dictionary.net/practitioner Hydroponicsearch.com. (2009). Scholar. Retrieved March 28, 2009, from http://www.hydroponicsearch.com/spelling/simplesearch/query_term-scholar/database-!/strategy-exact IPFW.edu. (2009). Reflections on Scholar-Practitioner (SP) Standards. Retrieved March 28, 2009, from http://www.ipfw.edu/educ/accreditation/Program_Information_For_Candidates/MS_Reflections_SP_1833checkpoint.doc. Kuther, T. (2009). What is the Difference Between a Master’s Degree and a Doctoral Degree?. Retrieved March 28, 2009, from http://gradschool.about.com/od/admissionsadvice/a/masterphd.htm liunet.edu. (2009). The practitioner-scholar model: program competencies, goals and objectives. Retrieved March 28, 2009, from http://www.liunet.edu/cwis/cwp/clas/psych/doctoral/forms/PractitionerScholarModel.pdf How to cite Scholar-Practitioner Model Paper, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Accounting Financial Revenue of Department
Question: Describe the Accounting Financial for Revenue of Department. Answer: Worksheet Department Key Indicators Income Statement Source of Finance Queensland Government Department of Infrastructure 1. The department provides customer satisfaction to provide better activity through experience and expectation of the customers. 2. It also provides improved conduct of the departments and gives information as when required. 3.It decreases the need for any applicant to ask for a decision by improving the process and interactions of the department 1. The revenue for the department was $345.2 million which is a rise of $95.3 million from last year due to transfer of different planning, development and infrastructural functions in the department. 2. The economic development of Queensland land sales has derived $89.6 million. 3. The expense of the department has amounted to a total of $ 353.8 million, which is an increase of $91.4 million due to recognition of the development and infrastructural functions introduced in the department. 4. The grants and the expenses are the main expenses around $130.5 million followed by services and supplies of $64.1 million and $64.1 million of land sales. These grants are mainly due to recurrent payments and capitals to the local bodies. 5. The department holds a total asset of $1087.2 million with $ 307.2 million as land inventory and $254.9 million from land property (Dilgp.qld.gov.au. 2016). 6.The property from investment has around $ 245.1 million and $228.4 million as cash equivalents 7.The department has a total liability of $ 196.2 million 1.The main source of finance for the state of Queensland has been from loans taken from the central bank 2 The appropriation of revenue is the vital source of income for the department of $ 206.2 million 3. The land sales of economic development of Queensland accounts for $ 89.6 million, as a main source of finance. 4. Tax revenue from the Queensland government is also a source of finance. Department of Australian Post 1.The department has taken up key initiatives like bringing in cultural changes and equip the people with training and skills which will improve the performance of the organization 2.The reduction in the emission of gas and decrease in carbon to save the environment 3. Promoting social cohesion and supporting communities who are in need of help. 1. The summarized financial statement of Australian post show that there is a Net loss after tax is $ 221.7 million with respect to the SCI budget. 2. The EBIT is negative as it is a loss of $ 321.1 million and is primarily due to a rise in the operating cost. 3. The total asset for the department is $ 5093.2 million an increase from $ 4651.2 million from the previous year.. 4. The total liability of the organization is $ 1677.7 million a minimum increase by $ 7.7 million (Auspost.com.au. 2016). 5. The gearing ratio is also low and because of increased equity and level of debt. The increase in equity is also due to revaluation of the assets. 6. The net cash after operating activities is $ 415.1 million a decrease of $ 3.5 million from the previous year. 1. The basic source of finance for this organization is through secured and unsecured loans from the banks and Governments. 2. The deposits and investments through private and public investors in the bank is also a good source of finance. 3. The organization also uses its reserves to finance its operations. Virgin Australia Ltd (Australian Listed Company) 1.Giving better airline service to the customers and giving additional benefits like beverage and in flight support 2.Concentrating on the customer satisfaction and gathering customer feedback to improve their service 3. Taking actions towards CSR activities to improve the social structure of the culture and improving the economy. 1. The statement of profit and loss reveals that the share of losses for equity has decreased due to improved situation of Virgin Samoa and Tiger Air both a part of Virgin Australia. 2. The financial income of Virgin Australia has grown to income of $21.8 million generated from the acquisition of Tiger Air. The financial costs also increased due to with respect to the last accounting period due to the introduction of new financial facilities. 3. The organization incurred income tax expense of $ 69.5 million. The net deferred tax assets has increased to $69.7 million due to extra tax losses generated of $152.4 million inclusive of $14 million tax losses of Tiger Air from increased subtractions from the fixed assets. 4. The property and plant equipments etc increased by $ 379.5 million and the intangible assets increased by $202 million. 5. The trade and other payables also increased by $80.1 million and the current and non-current provisions rose by $72.3 million. Unearned revenue also increased by $133.8 million and the interest bearing liability has grown by $811.5 million inclusive of USD 300 million unsecured and $225 million secured bonds. 6. The total equity decreased by $27.3 million primarily due to a loss of $ 93.8 million for the year. The current liabilities are $ 713.8 million more than the current assets. The consolidated financial statement has been created on a going concern basis contemplating a return to the profitable trading and competitive cash position (Virgin Australia. 2016). 1. The main source of finance for this organization is through unsecured loans from the banks. 2. Acquisition of new organizations by the company increases the assets of the company. 3. The firm releases shares in the market and thus receives capital from the investors. The profit or revenue generated from the service process of the organization also acts as reserves of the organization, which they invest for further developments. Reference List Auspost.com.au. (2016).Publications - Australia Post. [online] Available at: https://auspost.com.au/about-us/publications.html [Accessed 4 Oct. 2016]. Dilgp.qld.gov.au. (2016).Home. [online] Available at: https://www.dilgp.qld.gov.au/ [Accessed 4 Oct. 2016]. Virgin Australia. (2016).Virgin Australia | Book flights holidays with Virgin Australia. [online] Available at: https://www.virginaustralia.com [Accessed 21 Sep. 2016].
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal Reflective Essay Addressing Swifts Satire Approach Concerning the Social Problem of Dublins Starving Children
Abstract Swift’s A Modest Proposal is a genius work in the art of literary satire. I picked certain issues and commented on them regarding how Swift made Irish beggars and their children a necessary evil that was deteriorating Ireland from the inside. Largely, this behemoth of a problem was causing an economic slump of mass proportion.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal: Reflective Essay Addressing Swift’s Satire Approach Concerning the Social Problem of Dublin’s Starving Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More I point out his brilliant use of population figures, social issues (domestic violence, poverty, hunger, etc.), and religious groups (other than his own). He addresses these issues by offering a ludicrous solutionâ€â€cannibalism of the young infants when they reach their first birthday. Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal: Reflective Es say Addressing Swift’s Satire Approach Concerning the Economic Problem of Dublin’s Starving Children Swift presents a brilliant tongue-in-cheek argument concerning a way to solve the plight of starving Irish children. He introduces his ludicrous proposal at the beginning of his essay, and then supports his subject by reinforcing his foundation with strong, supporting arguments. Each building block of his argument elicits sound thought for handling Ireland’s glaring social issues; namely, begging and starving children. Swift proposes to eat one-year-olds because of their economic burden. While purporting his idea, he uses economic strategies, population figures, cooking methods and avoiding commodity outsourcing to support his irony. Swift looks at a beggar’s child as the projected worth of a future commodity. He justifies his moral depravity and degrading of human life in lieu of population control, annihilation of abortion, domestic violence and food sho rtage. He refers to wives as â€Å"breeders†of these future delectable human dishes, and believes a one-year-old could give back to the commonwealth by offering its â€Å"carcass†as food for a starving country. He reasons that a beggar’s child should be able to live for the first year so that it could be fattened up on mother’s milk, which the â€Å"dam†naturally produces and therefore would cost the commonwealth nothing.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Swift surmises that his idea is humane because the future holds nothing for these children who mature and adopt livelihoods like â€Å"stealing,†going off to fight for the â€Å"Pretender in Spain,†or â€Å"selling themselves to the Barbados.†Instead of suggesting the obviousâ€â€limiting the number of children each female â€Å"breeder†should haveâ€⠀he encourages the â€Å"breeders†to get pregnant, enjoy motherhood and nursing of their suckling infants for one year, and then sell them to the marketplace as a prime cut of young, tender meat. This is a chilling mental image of the plight of a poor Irish infant. He continues to build upon this horrific image of an Irish infant dressed and prepared as the main serving for a lavish feast. He enjoys toying with the image of â€Å"a young healthy child well nursed†that could be â€Å"a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled,†and suggests serving it as â€Å"a fricassee or a ragout.†This is a disturbing image of a baby as the main dinner dish. He continues to take this macabre image further when he suggests â€Å"a child will make two dishes at an entertainment†function for friends, and if it is only to be one family dish, would â€Å"be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter .†This gruesome image has come full circle by suggesting the infant â€Å"carcass†could be extended to four days of leftovers. Ireland’s population has always been Catholic, and Swift sees Catholics as a major part of the starving human burden that is hurting Ireland. He ridicules the Catholic religious holyday, Lent. He reasons that since Catholics eat more fish during Lent, nine months later, a lot of infant Catholics are born. He does not criticize this, but reasons that because Catholics propagate more after Lent, the meat market will benefit from plump infants ready for the grocer. Swift connects Ireland’s economic problems directly to the Catholics and their lack of birth controlâ€â€even in the face of being extremely poverty stricken.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal: Reflective Essay Addressing Swift’s Satire Approach Concerning the Social Problem of Dublin’s Starvi ng Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He revels in putting a price on a beggar child as the child matures. He uses the figure of 120,000 children as full reservoir, then reserves 20,000 as breeders, but not more than 5,000 of that number as males. He reasons that 5,000 males is a usual number for sheep, cattle and swine. Swift’s irony gives the reader a picture of a single cock that breeds with the entire hen house and the reader cannot help but be amused. One male should suffice four â€Å"breeders,†he surmises, but then catches himself in this digression, and reverts to his ridiculous projected numbers. Of the 100,000 infants that remain, Swift writes, these should be fattened up for the meat market. He almost forces the reader to think that it is a well thought-out plan that would benefit allâ€â€irony at its very best. Swift is not a feminist. He never refers to the father’s responsibility to his be ggar children. Instead, he puts the sole responsibility of caring for beggar children on the mother. This is a result of the makeup of Dublin’s street beggarsâ€â€mothers and many small, unkempt children. It is false to believe that he is not a moralist. Obviously, poverty-stricken mothers and their children disturbed him, but is that because of their drain on an already weak Irish economy or because these deplorable human beings actually tugged at his heart strings and bothered him enough that he felt the urge to write about it? He calls his writing a â€Å"modest†proposalâ€â€another play on words. In no way is this modest suggestion, but rather an alarming, vivid picture of cannibalism meant to elicit action regarding this social problem. Reference Swift, J. (2011). A modest proposal in R. J. Diyanni (Ed.), Fifty great essays. (pp. 296-303). London: Longman. This essay on Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal: Reflective Essay Addressing Swift’s Satire Approach Concerning the Social Problem of Dublin’s Starving Children was written and submitted by user Brayan Harper to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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