Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Doctor Assisted Suicide By Using Peer Reviewed Articles
Doctor assisted suicide has been a controversial topic for decades. It is placing value on life and death. This paper examines doctor assisted suicide by using peer reviewed articles that address many of the social and political issues surrounding doctor assisted suicide, including key factors such as the roles that technology and family play in a patient s decision to use assisted suicide. Brody (1995) gives an in depth view of how doctor assisted suicide works. Emanuel (1997) takes a closer look into the parameters that must be present to qualify for doctor assisted suicide. ASSISTED SUICIDE, MERCY OR MURDER? As pet owners of a thirteen year old dog, my husband and I face a difficult decision moving forward. It is our responsibility†¦show more content†¦The patient s death is caused by a mechanism which the patient could not attain on his or her own (Brody, 1995). How is doctor assisted suicide preformed? Once a patient has decided that doctor assisted suicide is the best option for them their doctor will prescribe life ending medication. Most patients have received a prescription for an oral dosage of a barbiturate (pentobarbital or secobarbital), and beginning in 2015, a phenobarbital/chloral hydrate/morphine sulfate/ethanol mix has also been used (Parrot, n.d.). The laws in each state vary, but in some of the states the patient can take the pills wherever they choose, but the law advises the doctor to ask the patient to not take the medication in a public place. Most of the time the medication is taken at the patient s home. According to Dr. Carol Parrot, the medication should be taken in the state prescribed, otherwise the death may be ruled as a suicide. Who does the final action to cause the death? Many people believe that it is the doctor that initiates the final action, but that is not true. Brody’s (1995) states that the doctor must be with the patient at the time of death to setup and control the mechanism of death. The absolute final action to cause death is done by the patient. Even though the final action which throws the switch is the patient s and not theShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy of Physician-Assisted Suicide2574 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿Physician-Assisted Suicide Introduction The issue of physician-assisted suicide has been highly controversial for many years in the United States, and the controversy continues today with no apparent end in sight. The idea that a doctor would assist a voluntary patient with that patients death is repugnant to many people on ethical, moral and philosophical grounds. 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