Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Similarities And Difference Between Homeland Security...
HLSS302 D004 Spr 17 Whelehan Mid-Term Topic 1: Homeland Security and Homeland Defense, terms that are often used interchangeably, actually have somewhat different meanings as they each have a different scope. Homeland Security is a term that has come into use much more frequently following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, whereas Homeland Defense is a system that has been in place for a longer period of time. Both of these have goals that both overlap, and yet are distinctly different. To better understand the similarities and differences let us first examine Homeland Defense. Homeland Defense refers almost exclusively to the protection of the United States, her land, territories, critical infrastructure, and even her†¦show more content†¦Examples of agencies that work under this umbrella include, but are not limited to the US Coast Guard, Customs and Border Patrol, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Each of these groups is actively working towards one of these five goals. For example, on bot h federal and local levels, there are groups of specially trained people working to secure our cyberspace and to ward off and fend against ongoing cyber-attacks or cyber terrorism (DHS, 2010). On a more local level, public safety agencies across the United States work diligently to prepare the public to deal with natural disasters, whether through showing them evacuation routes or teaching them how to prepare emergency kits; this is all geared towards accomplishing the fifth goal, making sure that the nation is able to weather and recover from natural disasters. When natural disasters strike it is possible that the National Guard would be called upon to assist with evacuation, as well as provide general assistance for the various local public safety agencies who are already on scene. Although it appears to be a wide range of goals, ultimately the goal of Homeland Security is to protect the United States, her assets, and her people from threats, whether of terrorism or natural disaster, and to ensure that the Nation is able to recover in the case of beingShow MoreRelatedEmploying Public Security vs. Private Security: The Advantages and Disadvantages4262 Words  | 17 PagesEmploying Public versus Private Security Abstract Law enforcement agencies have been under remarkable pressure to carry out their conventional crime prevention and response activities, plus a large amount of homeland security work, in a time of tight budgets. 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